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공지사항 상세
제목 KGS Code 영문판 신규 발간(판매) 안내
작성자 관리자 작성일 2017-12-21 조회수 1192

KGS Code 영문판 22종이 신규 발간되었습니다.

□ 신규 발간된 KGS Code 영문판 22종

- AA314 (Code for Facilities, Technology and Inspection for Manufacturing of Cylinder Valves for LP Gas Cabinet Heaters)

- AA320 (Code for Facilities, Technology and Inspection for Manufacturing of Cylinder Valves for LPG Vehicles)

- AC215 (Code for Facilities, Technology and Inspection for Manufacturing of Welded Cylinders for LP Gas)

- AC219 (Code for Facilities, Technology and Inspection for Manufacturing of Specialized Cylinders for LPG Vehicles)

- AC313 (Code for Facilities, Technology and Inspection for Manufacturing of Jointed Cylinders for Vehicle Refrigerant)

- AC417 (Code for Facilities, Technology and Inspection for Manufacturing of Compressed Hydrogen Gas Cylinders for Fuel Cell Vehicles)

- AC418 (Code for Facilities, Technology and Inspection for Manufacturing of Nonmetal Liner Composite Cylinders for High-pressure Gases)

- AC114 (Code for Facilities, Technology and Inspection for Manufacturing of Small LP Gas Storage Tanks)

- AB133 (Code for Facilities, Technology and Inspection for Manufacturing of Gas Boilers of Conventional Flue (CF) Type and Balanced Flue (BF) Type )

- AB134 (Code for Facilities, Technology and Inspection for Manufacturing of Gas Cooling and Heating Appliances) 

- AB136 (Code for Facilities, Technology and Inspection for Manufacturing of Gas Stirling Engine Heat and PowerBoilers) 

- AB332 (Code for Facilities, Technology and Inspection for Manufacturing of Gas Oven ranges) 

- AB334 (Code for Facilities, Technology and Inspection for Manufacturing of Gas Rice Cookers)

- AB337 (Code for Facilities, Technology and Inspection for Manufacturing of Cast Iron Gas Burners) 

- AB932 (Code for Facilities, Technology and Inspection for Manufacturing of Charcoal Stove Starters) 

- AA333 (Code
